Innovative Solutions for Tomorrow's Challenges
cigarette packaging and Wrapping
✓Efficient Solutions for Your Packaging Needs
At Veta Trade Ltd. we specialize in the production of high-quality cigarette packaging and wrapping machines for the tobacco industry. Our machines are designed to handle a wide range of packaging requirements. They are designed to optimize speed and efficiency, while maintaining the integrity and quality of the product. They are fully customizable to meet the specific needs of our customers, and are available in a range of configurations to suit different production requirements. Our machines are built to the highest standards of quality and performance, with a focus on durability and ease of use. We provide comprehensive training and support to ensure that our customers can operate and maintain our cigarette packaging machines with confidence.
You have the opportunity to customize your own Packing Line, tailored to your distinct requirements and specifications. Our range of modules can be selected in their entirety, or in combination, to meet the demands of the product you intend to manufacture.
У вас есть возможность настроить собственную упаковочную линию в соответствии с вашими требованиями и спецификациями. Наш ассортимент модулей можно выбрать целиком или в комбинации, чтобы удовлетворить требования производства продукта.

At Veta Trade, we believe that customization is the key to fulfilling our customers’ packaging needs. Whether you have a specific challenge or requirement for your product’s packaging, we offer various options tailored to your personal specifications. Our team of skilled engineers will work closely with you to determine the optimal solution and ensure successful project implementation. So rest assured that our packaging machines are equipped to meet any demand and exceed your expectations.

В Veta Trade мы считаем, что индивидуализация — это ключ к удовлетворению потребностей наших клиентов в упаковке. Если у вас есть конкретная задача или требования к упаковке вашего продукта, мы предлагаем различные варианты с учетом ваших личных требований. Наша команда опытных инженеров будет тесно сотрудничать с вами, чтобы определить оптимальное решение и обеспечить успешную реализацию проекта. Поэтому будьте уверены: наши упаковочные машины способны удовлетворить любые требования и превзойти ваши ожидания
Available Formats:
Efficient Cigarette Packaging Solutions for All Sizes and Lengths

No matter the size, length or collation of your cigarette product, our packing machines are equipped to provide tailored solutions to meet your unique needs. From king size to super slim size and beyond, our team of experts can design and implement packaging solutions that efficiently and effectively handle your product with precision and care. Let us help you take your cigarette packaging to the next level with our state-of-the-art technology and expertise.
Доступные форматы:
Эффективные решения упаковки сигарет любого размера и длины

Независимо от размера, длины или комплектации вашей сигаретной продукции, наши упаковочные машины оснащены всем необходимым для предоставления индивидуальных решений, отвечающих вашим уникальным потребностям. От “кинг сайз” до “супер слим” и более — наша команда экспертов может разработать и реализовать упаковочные решения, которые эффективно и результативно обрабатывают ваш продукт с точностью и заботой. Позвольте нам помочь вам вывести упаковку для сигарет на новый уровень, используя наши самые современные технологии и опыт.
Cigarette Making
✓Revitalizing Your Production Line: Our Rebuilt Cigarette Machines
At Veta Trade Ltd., we specialize in rebuilding and upgrading existing cigarette machines to improve their efficiency and extend their lifespan. With over 20 years of experience in the tobacco industry, our team of skilled engineers and technicians have the expertise to assess the condition of your machines and recommend the most cost-effective solution to meet your production needs. We work with you to develop a customized solution that meets your specific requirements and budget. Our team utilizes the latest technology and components to upgrade your machines. Our retrofitting services can improve the accuracy, speed, and overall performance of your machines, resulting in increased productivity and profitability.
Filter Rod Making
✓Rebuild Your Filter Rod Making Machines for Peak Performance
At Veta Trade Ltd., we understand the importance of keeping your production line up-to-date with the latest technology and industry standards. That’s why we offer retrofitting services for filter rod machines to improve their accuracy, speed, and overall performance. By upgrading your machines with the latest technology and components, we can increase your productivity and profitability. Our retrofitting services are customized to meet the specific needs of your production line and are completed with minimal downtime and interruptions. We work efficiently and effectively to ensure that your machines are upgraded and back in operation as soon as possible.