Equipment Modernization

✓ Upgrades & Kits
Our team has developed Improvement Kits to provide VETA equipment users in the field with a fast and efficient service. As we recognize the importance of staying competitive in the ever-changing marketplace, our comprehensive range of high-quality retrofits is designed to upgrade existing machinery. With our kits, you can boost the efficiency and effectiveness of your making, packing, and handling equipment.
✓ Size and change over parts
We provide several kits that allow Veta machines to be modified for producing or handling products of varying sizes. Our kits come equipped with all the necessary machine parts and can be accompanied by fitting instructions to help you achieve the desired conversion.
✓ Rebuilding & refurbishment
We offer complete overhauls and improvements for any machine to meet your specific needs. Our rebuilds are renowned for being built on two solid foundations: the expertise of our skilled and experienced workforce and our strict adherence to the highest quality standards in assembly, inspection, finishing, and testing